Package includes:

Seminar with 30 Continuing Legal Education credits

Seminar participants will earn at least 30 CLE credits, including a minimum of 8 ethics* credits.

Transportation, accommodations, and meals

  • Ground transportation to and from Rome's Fiumicino Airport via a chartered bus. Departs Rome airport on April 16, 2020 at 1:30 p.m.

  • Seven nights at four-star Hotel Sovana

  • Breakfast each morning, lunch every day, and dinner with wine three days

  • Wine and appetizers welcome reception on the first night

Cultural and art experiences

  • Two art sessions led by an Italian artist in residence Sergio Tamassia

  • An excursion to Il Giardino dei Tarocchi (a sculpture garden created by Niki de Saint Phalle) and Porto Santo Stefano for a bountiful seafood lunch

  • Two half-day excursions to visit the Etruscan Tombs, and the breathtaking hill-towns of Pitigliano and Sorano.

Registration fees

Early-bird prices are available through November 1, 2019. 

  • Early-bird Primary Registration for a room in the Hotel Sovana $4,550 (Regular fee: $4,700)

  • Early-bird second judge/lawyer (conference participant) sharing your room $4,100 (Regular fee: $4,300)

  • Regular non-lawyer spouse, significant other, relative or friend fee sharing your room $1,950

Registration fees do not include airfare to and from Italy.

*We require a minimum of 12 and accept a maximum of 15 participants. Please register early.*

Payment details

Payment is due in full by December 13, 2019. Down payment of $500 required upon registration.

Scholarships Available

We offer partial scholarships sponsored by the Civility Center for the Law. Scholarship Application is due by October 25, 2019. Scholarship Application Info.

Cancellation and Indemnification Info

The organizing entities (Seattle University School of Law and Civility Center for Law/Civility Fund) are not responsible for individual travel arrangements to and from the Conference, travel documents, denied entry in any country/airline, lost or stolen luggage/belongings, injury or illness.

Tour Cancellation by Operators:
Seattle University School of Law and Civility Center for Law (the operators) reserve the right to cancel this trip if a minimum number of participants is not reached by December 1, 2019. In that eventuality any payments made for this seminar over the $500 non-refundable deposit will be refunded without penalty, and without further obligation on the part of the operators.

Seattle University School of Law and Civility Center for Law reserve the right to cancel the program if, due to Acts of God, war, civil commotion, or other causes beyond the operators control.

Refund Policy for Participant Cancellations:
If a registered participant cancels 91 or more days before the seminar start date, the program will refund any monies collected less the $500 non-refundable deposit to the cancelling registrant.

If a registrant cancels 61-90 days  before the seminar start date, the program will refund 50% of all monies collected to the cancelling registrant including the $500 non-refundable deposit.

If a registrant cancels 60 days or less before the seminar start date there will be no refund of any monies collected from the cancelling registrant.

Excursions and tastings

  • Sovana Tour, Etruscan Tombs, and Sorano

  • Pitigliano, "The Little Jerusalem" (shown above)

  • Olive oil factory tour and tasting

  • Sovana wine tasting

  • Dinner at Il Tufo Allegro

Learn more about these enriching activities »

Significant others and guests

Significant others, spouses, and guests are welcome to join the primary registrant.  The guest registration fee includes a double occupancy room, breakfast and lunch each day, and all of the meals and excursions that are part of the seminar schedule.  Additionally, guests have the option of joining the art experiences and attending an Italian cooking class. 

Read more details for spouses & guests »