The Ethics of Civility CLE/CJE
/March 2014
We'd like to thank our presenters David Boerner, Lisa Brodoff, Tim Jaasko-Fisher, Patricia Lally, Gretchen Leanderson, Paula Lustbader, Judge Richard R. McDermott, Craig Sims, and Catherine Walker as well as all the participants who engaged in this interesting and thought provoking seminar that explored the differences and similarities between ethics, professionalism, and civility; examine the relevant portions of the Washington Rules of Professional Conduct; and identify strategies to increase ethical, professional, and civil behavior within the profession.
“This CLE should be a required course for all Washington lawyers.”
Comments about the presenters included: “Great energy, [their] passion for [the] subject is contagious;” “excellent and very powerful; sparked a great conversation; and very creative.”
Based upon the seminar respondents said they plan to do the following: “To be a better example of a professional lawyer–represent integrity, ethics, and professionalism in dealing with people – [emulate] the golden rule.”
“Be grounded in [my]self and practice humility.”
“Mindfulness and self-care makes me a better attorney.”
Robert’s Fund offers CLE/CJE seminars in Seattle every spring and summer. Learn more about upcoming seminars in Seattle